Hi Anatoli!
I have a question about the funnel analysis query in lesson 129, namely this one:
COUNT(h.visitor_id) AS homepage_pvs,
COUNT(b.visitor_id) AS book_page_pvs
FROM web_analytics.pageviews h
LEFT JOIN web_analytics.pageviews b
ON h.visitor_id = b.visitor_id
AND b.url LIKE '%/books/%'
b.referer_url = 'https://www.bindle.com/'
OR b.referer_url LIKE 'https://www.bindle.com/?%'
AND b.created_at BETWEEN h.created_at AND h.created_at + '30 minutes'::interval
h.url = 'https://www.bindle.com/'
OR h.url LIKE 'https://www.bindle.com/?%'
My question is: Is the
b.referer_url = 'https://www.bindle.com/'
OR b.referer_url LIKE 'https://www.bindle.com/?%'
bit necessary, given that we filter using WHERE
further down? Is there a difference? They seem to give the same results.